Thursday, July 3, 2014

I am back from Nashville: Flying OOTD

 I was going to post this yesterday and then I feel asleep with my computer of my lap (ops)! 

On Sunday I flew to Nashville for a school trip. I had tons of fun and I will never forget the memories I made on this trip! I had to be at the airport at 4:30 in the morning so my outfit was pretty casual but I thought I would share. Also the picture quality is not that great because I had no one to take my pic that early in the morning. Sorry for not posting while I was gone but I was REALLY busy and also the Internet was snails pace so needless to say blogging was not happening. I leave tomorrow morning for a lake Michigan beach trip. I should have plenty of time and good Internet to blog everyday to keep my summer schedule posting back on track!

1. T-shirt- Target
2. Leggings- Gap outlet (similar) 
3. Flip flops- Old navy 
4. Headband- Lululemon 
5. Carry on bag- Vera Bradley ( I bought mine on e-bay for much less because it's a retired pattern) 

Summer Rundown #6-9 ( June 29th-July 2nd) 
* Was in Nashville, TN for a school trip
Here are pics from the hotel/convention center

 I leave for Michigan tomorrow and this is my packing mess :(