Ah, I just need to take a second and breath. This is literally the busiest week of my life between homework, clubs, college applications, blog posts and working just to name a few. Needless to say I have not had a tone of time to devote to my blog posts. In yesterday's post I mentioned about a new series I was going to be doing on the blog. Well I am going to start a... recipe Sunday blog series. For the whole month I am going to be posting a different fall recipe every Sunday. If it works out well I might continue it and do a holiday series but we will have to see. Anyways I was planning on posting the first recipe last Sunday. However I had NO time to go to the store, buy ingredients, make the recipe while taking pictures of each step. So I still want to post that first recipe which I have decided will go up Friday and then Sunday we will start this weekly series. I would love to know what you think :)
For today's post I wanted to do something quick, so I thought I would show you an awesome steel VS splurge for you guys. I have not done one in a while I know and I think you like these. The Gigi New York uber clutch is amazing however it comes with a hefty price tag of $145. Now don't get me wrong if I had the money I would love to spend it on a quality clutch like this but that's not realistic. So the other day when I was looking on Francesca's website I cam across this clutch and it looks REALLY similar. I have loved there bags for a while now. The quality is great and they look way more expenses then they are. However there bags sell out fast so if you want this clutch I would order it now :)