Well the long weekend is over and it's back to school tomorrow which I am not looking forward to as I have a lot of projects to work on. However it's one of my favorite times of the year (the holidays) aside from the summer. Plus tomorrow is December 1st which already starts the count down to Christmas. While school might not be the best there is always things to look forward to during the week and on the weekend.
I had a great long weekend shopping, going to a friends house, having lunch at a bakery, watching a movie, making holidays deserts and more! We still have holiday decorations to put up tomorrow (If we find time) because I am still not in the complete holiday spirit and it makes me sad. My sister watched the movie Blended last night but I was at a party and did not see it. She said it was really good so I need to see it now. Let me know what you thought of it if you saw it.
Finally this week I am going to be doing a whole series of gift guides for the holiday season so make sure you keep checking back each day to see the gift guides as I am super excited for them ;)
Ok so...
1. Disregard my eye that looks half closed
2. Disregard the hair tie I left on my wrist

T-shirt: Ann Taylor (similar) / Jeans: Gap (similar) (similar) / Vest: Hollister (similar) (similar) / Blanket Scarf: Target / Boots: Macy's / Earrings: Charming Charlie's
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