I have been thinking all day what to write on today's blog post. I have so much to say and I don't even know where to begin. So lets start with this THANK YOU. It has been exactly one year since I posted my first blog post. When I started blogging I had know idea where it would take me and what to expect. While I knew I wanted to write a fashion blog, I would have never imaged how much I enjoy it. When I look back on it now it's hard to imagine not having melchicmay to share my thoughts. Not to mention what did I do with my spare time before (haha). While I am in the same boat as I was in last year not knowing where this little blog will take me in the years to come. I have no regrets starting it and I hope to continue blogging for many more years. I am not sure exactly where my blog will go this year after I head off to college but I think what ever happens it will be great. After one year I could have never imaged all the things this blog has done for me. It's made me more business/computer savvy, I have gotten to partner with some amazing companies, improve my fashion and learn a lot. My blog would be nothing without you guys who read my daily post so once again THANK YOU. For those of you who are thinking of starting a blog I say go for it. Follow your dreams as you never know what is in store.
By know hopefully you have noticed that my blog looks a bit different today. Well that's because it got an update. I could not be more excited about the new improvements. It's not completely done but I have to work in stages so hopefully by this weekend the whole "renovation" will be done. Once it is I am going to do a video to show you all the new features. Until then please let me know what you think so far in the comments!
Have a great day and I will see you back here the rest of the week for more on blogging tips, outfits and my new blog look!
Dress: Deb / Shoes: Payless