Happy February everyone! January was a rough month for me in the blogging department as I was NOT consistent with posting on a regular bases. However I woke up this morning with some fresh ideas, motivation, and creativity. January was not the easiest of months for me which I am not totally sure why because so many amazing things happened. January was a VERY busy and exciting month. I celebrated the new year in Massachusetts, I celebrated my sister birthday, I traveled to Florida for a week, I flew to Baltimore for an interview & took the job offer (more to come on this as I never updated you on this), I began my second semester of school, I officially got initiated as a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha, I helped with a large fundraiser for a school organization and more! Though I will stop their to keep from boring you. With all these exciting things going on I still had the "post Christmas blues" as I am going to call it. I often felt down, sad, and just in a funk. Though I am ready to make this month the best yet! So if you are with me and didn't get off to the best of starts in the new year that's ok. Here is to a new month and a fresh start!
I thought I would kick the month off with a current favorites post to share some things I have been loving lately considering I have not posted anything in almost a week ;)
Nautical Wall Hanging: I bought this sign at Target a couple of weeks ago to hang in my dorm room and I absolutely love it. I hung it right above my bed and I things its so inspirational and nautical!

Diana'a Bananas: I have had these on and off for a while now though when I was in Target last week I picked up a box for my room and they make the perfect late night snack when you have a sweet craving. The are also pretty healthy and are gluten free!
Greek Creations By Di: I came across this shop on Etsy and order my first official letter shirt and I am in love with how cute it is. I definitely would check out her Etsy shop for letter shirts!
Ivory Ella: I saw some one at school wearing one of these shirts and I thought it was so cute. I had heard of the brand before however I had never looked it up. The shirts are so cool and the company helps donate to the save the elephants cause.
Poison and Wine: This song was featured in an episode of Army Wives I was watching and I had to go and listen to the song. I have heard this many times in different tv shows and movies and every time I hear this song it just gets to me.
Unraveling & Wedding Song: I came across these songs and Tim Halperin on YouTube and I have been listening to his songs a lot. I think his voice and song lyrics are really refreshing. Also how freaking cute is his wedding video song?!
Think Of You: I heard this song on Pandora at the gym and it's been my favorite country songs recently.
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