T-shirt: Old Navy / Jeans: Gap / Shoes: Tory Burch / Necklace: Charming Charlie's / Earrings: Miadora
By the time you are reading this I will be en-route to Baltimore for the summer! As I mentioned in yesterdays Friday Favs post I recently purchased my first pair of Tory Burch flats and I am in love with them. I always have just worn flats from Payless but these TB flats are so worth the price. I actually got them for 40% off at a local store which offers a birthday discount on your birthday. Since I will not be around for my birthday to get the discount this summer my mom let me use her discount. So they are basically an early birthday present to myself! If you have ever thought about spending money on a pair of high end flats I definitely recommend doing it.
On another note I just wanted to let you know that my blogging schedule might be lacking a bit until I get settled into my apartment and job. I just don't know when I will have time to post because it will depend on my work schedule. I will definitely keep you updated when I have time and remember to follow me on Instagram as well.