Since I posted my announcement that I got a job this summer in Hilton Head Island I want to start posting a few more career related posts. I have not shared too much about my career and major but I feel I can help a lot of other college students as well. So today I thought I would share with you six tips that I believe have helped me land the two internships I have had so far. These tips can easily be applied to any interview you may have. I hope you enjoy this different posts as I plan on sharing more like this. Also please comment any other tips you might have so we can help each other out!

Do Your Research // In almost every interview I have been in they always as at least ask one question about their company (i.e.: tell us what you know about our company?). It's important to have some knowledge about the place you might possible work at. I usually like to know when they were founded, who is the main mangers, and what they are all about. This question should be a simple one to answer as long as you have done your homework.
Practice // I use to think that interviews were so hard because you can't prepare for what they might ask you. While yes it's some what true that you don't know exactly what they might ask you. It's also true that most interview questions repeat themselves from company to company. If you have some answers to questions kind of prepared ahead of time then you will be that much more comfortable going into the interview. This list of questions is amazing!
Thank Them // Always remember to send a thank you email or hand written note after the interview thanking them for their time. In this thank you note you can also restate your high interest in the position and give any last minute points. I prefer to write hand written notes though some times it can be more challenging if you don't have an address to the person you interviewed with. In that case an email will be just fine.
Ask Questions // No matter what interview you are in they will always ask you if you have any questions at the end of the interview. NEVER say you don't have any questions to ask. Even if they covered everything at least ask something to make yourself seem more interested in the position. Though it should not be hard to come up with a few questions (i.e.: what do you enjoy most about working for the company?)
Dress To Impress // This one is pretty basic but don't forget to wear your best business attire when interviewing for an internship or any job. It's always better to dress more professional than under dress and stick out!
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