Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Lilly Pulitzer Sale Is Here!!

I know I have mentioned I can't wait for the Lilly Pulitzer sale a few times on here recently well they finally released the dates and the sale is going to be September 10 - September 12th. It will start at about 8 AM on the 10th and go until 12 PM on the 12th. This sale is hands down the BEST way to get Lilly Pulitzer items discounted. Pretty much most of my Lilly Pulitzer items I have bought on sale. Some people are not too happy about the dates being moved. I guess I am a little sad it is not in August but at least their still is a sale! 

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Lilly Pulitzer Wish List

While we all patiently await the announcement date of the after party sale I thought I would share my favorite items right now on Lilly! I have no idea what will be on sale this year or when the sale is but hers hoping some of these items are on sale. This years sale may be a bit later than usual based on what I have heard. I am really excited for the sale because I have not purchased too much Lilly this summer. I would love to know what items you are eyeing up! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Cozy Pajamas & Night Time Relaxation


Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Her Campus Media. As always all opinions are my own. Thank your for supporting the brands that make Miss Melanie May possible!

Sorry I have been MIA over here the past few days but things have just been so crazy getting ready for school and packing. Every since we got back from Florida my to-do list just keeps growing. 

I am really excited about today's post because I am sharing my favorite pajamas I recently got for my birthday from Lake Pajamas. Having nice pajamas is one of those things that is not needed but once you have them you don't know what you did with out them. As school starts up and everyone starts to get busy with "life duties" it is important to remember to take a little bit of time for yourself and relax at the end of the night. With the help of the Her Campus InfluenceHer Essential Kit for the fall I have some exciting new ways to wind down before bed. I always use my essential oil diffuser and try to read a little before hitting the pillow but sometimes I end up being to tired to read. If I have extra time I enjoy taking an Epsom salt bath. I also try to get into the habit of moisturizing before bed especially as the fall months start to arrive and the weather cools off. The Bliss Lemon + Sage Body Butter is an amazing rich body moisturizer for all over. I can tell you it is not greasy at all. I know this because I put A LOT of coats on while trying to take these pictures ;) It has such a nice clean, fresh spa smell that is just so nice. Finally I have been loving this Hcxo 100% silk sleeping mask. I use to wear sleeping masks as a kid quite often. I had a few ones from Claire's back in the day. This one from Hcxo feels so luxurious that it makes me want to fall asleep. Silk is suppose to be better on your face and hair. This face mask is the perfect new edition to helping me relax and unwind before bed! I would love to know in the comments what your favorite ways are to relax before bed. 

Keep reading for giveaway information... 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Recent Shopping Finds

I have been working on a few posts for this week that require a bit more time and effort so I thought I would keep things easy for today and share some items I have recently found and fallen in love with. All these items I don't own but they are on my running list of items I wish I had! Does anyone else always have a long wish list? Some of these items I saw while we went shopping for the day in Tampa while in Florida. They had a bunch of high end designer stores and when ever I see designer products in person I always end up adding more to my wish list. I don't share it too much here because I don't own a ton of designer items right now because well they are way to expensive. Though I LOVE designer bags and shoes! 

I am back from Florida and I will be sharing a post about our family trip to Clearwater in the next few days! 



Friday, August 17, 2018

Wellness Wednesday #2: Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Well I started this new series Wellness Wednesday to share health related content every Wednesday but so far both posts have not actually gone up on Wednesday. This past week I have been out of town on vacation and the video took WAY longer to upload than I thought it would. 

In today's video I am sharing all the details about my anti-inflammatory diet I am currently on to help reduce my symptoms of inflammation. Some of these diet changes like going gluten free were a bit challenging in the beginning but I am finding it to be a lot easier than I thought it would be! Best of all I have really noticed an improvement in my health since I started following this diet. 


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Recent Purchases

Today I am sharing some of the products I have purchased over the last month or so. These are all items I have been loving recently and I wanted to share some the products with you! They are not all clothing which I think makes it more fun! I would love to know what some of your recent purchases have been. 

Women's Birkenstock Arizona EVA sandals (Same) // I just bought these shoes the other week for my trip to Florida and I am SO happy with them. They are all rubber so you can easily rinse them off after a day at the beach. They are also so comfortable. These are literally the best beach shoes I have ever owned. 

Thursday, August 9, 2018

My Autoimmune Story

Today I am sharing with you my autoimmune health story and this is probably one of the most nerve-racking posts to share but I really want to. When I started blogging back up again in May part of the reason I wanted to get back into it was that I now had a whole new area of content I wanted to share with Y'all. As I may have briefly mentioned here and there over the past year I have experienced a number of health related issues but I have not gone into much detail up until today!
 Part of my reasoning for taking a year off from my blog was partly due to my health. When I came back to blogging in May I had so many posts idea I wanted to share with you revolving around health and wellness. I even changed my blog name so I wasn't just stuck writing only about fashion. Though I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to share these topics with you. I understand now why so many people on Instagram and social media only choose to show their latest outfit or favorite beauty products. It's not because they don't have other things to talk about it's because sharing more personal things isn't comfortable. However, with that being said I am pushing those feelings aside and doing it anyway because I want to share my experiences and thoughts with Y'all in hopes of maybe helping others! I did try to give as broad of an overview as a could in this video but when I was sick I was extremely not my usual healthy self. I have big plans for a new series I am calling "Wellness Wednesday". In this series each week I will discuss some topic related to health and wellness. So I thought it was only fitting to start from the beginning and share my health journey with you. I made this into a video style post because it just seemed like too much to type up. I am warning you now it's a long one and it may be of no interest to you at all which is totally fine. I get that this is completely different from what I normally post so you may not be interested which is fine! Trust me I still will be posting plenty of fashion and beauty posts too. This is not what defines me it is just part of my life now and so with that here goes nothing! 


On a different note the video on my new camera is SO GOOD

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Martha's Vineyard Travel Log

I am finally getting around to posting a travel log of what I did on my trip to Martha's Vineyard from almost a month ago now. I went with my sister, her friend, and my mom. The last time I was in Martha's Vineyard was the summer of 2015. I went with one of my best friends and our mom's for the first time after we graduated high school. My sister wanted to go really bad so we made sure once she graduated high school she would be able to go! She was nice enough to let me tag along on the trip and I am so glad I decided to book a flight and join them. We had the best time with perfect weather. I am completely in love with the island and a definitely want to go back again next summer! I wanted to share with you what we did each day in case you are looking for suggestions on the island. 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Weekend Whereabouts #3 & Exciting News

I have really missed blogging the last few weeks but I just have been lacking on finding the time. I have been pretty busy with my internship ever since I got back from about three weeks of traveling. Then this past week I was kind of under the weather a bit. I know I said that I was going to be posting last week but time just got away from me. I do have lots of posts ideas coming and don't worry I will hopefully be posting my Martha's Vineyard travel log tomorrow! 

I had another busy weekend celebrating my birthday so I thought I would share what I was up to and catch you up on my life recently! Wednesday was my 21st birthday so I thought I would share a few pictures from my birthday. My sister and mom made dinner and a cookie cake and then we went out for a drink!