Saturday, January 18, 2020

Goals For 2020

I have to admit I am a sucker for feeling recharged in the New Year and making goals for the new year. I know a lot of people hate resolutions especially in today's world where everyone is always talking about things that are most likely not realistic. I like creating resolutions because I find it is a way to check in with myself and think about what things I want to focus on in the new year. Even if I don't accomplish everything it gives me more direction on what I want to make important for the year. This year I am going to try to be more specific with my goals and less general. I am hoping this will make things more realistic as to how I will accomplish them. 

Listen To Books & Podcasts During My Daily Commute // Last year I tried to read more novels and while I had a pretty good streak going once I started working it's just not on the top of my list. Though the other day I came up with the idea of listening to a book on the way to work. This would be a good 40 minutes in total every day that I could listen to something. It also gets me off my phone a bit which is something I am also trying to be more conscious of. 

Incorporate Whole 30 Meals Into My Diet // Last year I also had a goal of eating more clean and getting back into a workout routine. The workout part I have been really good with as I finally have a routine of classes I really enjoy. While I did pretty good with healthy eating there is always room for improvement. While I know it's 100% not realistic for me to be Whole 30 I want to focus on eating pretty much Whole 30 during the week. This way on the weeks I can eat out and enjoy food with others while not feeling guilty! I made my first Whole 30 breakfast, lunch, and dinner last week and it felt really good to do. 

Travel & Explore Texas // I definitely have the travel bug lately. Last year because I didn't know where I was going to be living or working I couldn't really plan too many trips. Now that I know my time off and PTO I am excited to plan a few trips throughout the year. I also want to focus on exploring all that Texas and Dallas have to offer on the weekends. 

Find A Budget Method I Like // I have yet to really find a system for keeping track of my expenses that I really like. Last year my goal was to set a budget which I did but I can't find a way to track it that I love. I use to use a spreadsheet to track my spending and then when I started working and living on my own I tried using Mint. While I thought it was going to be the answer to making things easier there are things I didn't love about that app as well. I really want to find a system that I find easy to make saving and tracking my money easy! 

Volunteer // Now that I am not involved in my sorority anymore this is the first time in a while that I am not involved in some type of organization and I would love to find one to volunteer at every once and a while. 

Start My Own Business // This is something I have thought about for a little while now but I have no idea what it looks like. Maybe it's an expansion of my blog? Service? Product? I have NO idea but it's been on my heart recently and so I want to explore some ideas and see what plays out this year.