I finished reading this book over the weekend and wanted to share my thoughts on the book. I think there is no better time than now to read this book as we are all in a time period where we have time to slow down and focus on things that we enjoy doing to pass the time. If you have already read this book I would love to know your thoughts on it!

Overview: This book is the newest book by Emily Ley where she talks about her journey over the last few years to live a simpler slower life. The book is broken up into 10 different categories including topics on social media, rest, wellness, faith, and more. The book starts off with her talking about this idea of the "paradox of everyday empty". Where our lives are often filled with so many tasks and things we feel we have to do yet we often feel overwhelmed and empty. In each chapter, she tells different stories and experiences she has had regarding questioning and rethinking the way we think about and live out all different areas of our lives.
Review: This is the second book of Emily's I have read and I loved the idea behind this book and the way in was written. You could tell she really believed what she was writing and the artwork and pictures in this book are so pretty. The chapter on social media was very interesting where she found that too much social media is not the problem it is the habits we have trained ourselves to do. She talks about turning off all app notifications to lessen the distractions from social media. She then talks about soul rest and the importance of finding time to work on hobbies or activities where we simply lose track of time while doing them. Finally, she talks about the idea that the quickest most convenient way to get things done is not necessarily the best. This idea that good is often better than great. Doing everything great is not always the best answer because good can add up to a life that is great. The reason I enjoyed this book so much is that it gave me a completely different perspective on topics that are often written about. When my health was bad a few years ago I was forced to do less and slow down. She talks a lot about the things I would often think about around this idea. The book provides a lot of great tips you can try implementing in our own lives and I think it is a great read especially during the season we are in right now.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 ⭐️
Favorite Quote: There are so many good lessons and tips. But I think the one that truly spoke to be was in the chapter on Faith: Less Fear, More Community. I didn't touch on this too much in the review but this chapter was one of my favorites to read about regarding her journey ...
"Over time, looking back at seasons of grief or struggle. I've learned that sometimes God doesn't immediately patch the holes in our ballon. Sometimes He actually makes a hole bigger. In those moments He is reaching in and working inside us. Because a quick fix doesn't add up to lasting and true growth. And because this is when our souls are most changed, often even made stronger as we become who God wants us to be at our core. Perhaps then, there is beauty in brokenness." - Page 124
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